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Product Name: Imidazolidinyl urea



Imidazolidinyl urea

Product information




Main indicators:

White moisture-absorbing powder, tasteless Nitrogen content: 26.0-28.0%

Loss on drying: <3.0%


Key words:

Safe, efficient and broad-spectrum


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Product description:

Imidazolidinyl urea is a commonly used preservative in cosmetics. It has broad-spectrum antibacterial activity. It can inhibit Gram-negative and positive bacteria. It has a certain inhibitory effect on yeast and mold. It is mainly used to inhibit the reproduction of microorganisms. Compatible with various components in cosmetics, the test results show that its antibacterial ability is not affected by surfactants, proteins and other special additives in cosmetics. Imidazolidinyl urea is a formaldehyde diluent. Compatible with parabens, it can effectively inhibit most bacteria, molds and yeasts, forming a broad-spectrum antiseptic system. Because of its high water solubility, it is mainly concentrated in the water phase in cosmetics, and a small amount is distributed in the oil phase, which can play its antibacterial effect well. When the concentration is 0.3%, the killing rate of Escherichia coli at room temperature is 99.99%, the killing rate of Staphylococcus aureus is 100%, the killing rate of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is 100%, and the killing rate of Candida albicans is 100%. The extinction rate was 99.70%.

Antimicrobial activity: (minimum inhibitory concentration)

Pseudomonas aeruginosa 800ppm

Escherichia coli 400ppm

Pseudomonas odorifera 500ppm

Staphylococcus aureus 125ppm

Use recommendation:

It is relatively used in foreign countries. It can be used alone or in combination with methyl paraben or propyl ester. The pH range is 4-9, and the general addition amount is 0.1%-0.3%. Add within the range (<90℃).

It is usually used as a cosmetic preservative with Paraben or Kayson CG, especially suitable for some advanced nutritional cosmetics that are prone to be infected with P. aeruginosa when the pH is too alkaline.

Regulatory status:

The maximum addition amount in cosmetics is 0.6%


Acute oral toxicity test (rat) LD50 = 5200mg/kg;

Acute dermal toxicity test (rabbit) LD50>8000MG/KG;

Skin irritation test (rabbit) no irritation (5% concentration)




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